My lucky streak continues into 2014. I won three more contests since the new year started, which means I’m off to a very good start!
Now it’s my turn to host a giveaway. Leave a comment on this post letting me know how you would spend $100. That’s it.
One random winner will be selected next week. The prize is an Amazon gift card code for $100.
Extra entries:
1. Subscribe to One Frugal Girl by RSS. Come back and let me know you’ve subscribed in an additional comment.
2. Follow @onefrugalgirl on Twitter. Come back and let me know you’ve followed in an additional comment.
This contest is now over. The winner is #72: Paulie.
I would definitely splurge on something for myself! It’s easier to treat yourself when it’s not coming out of your own pocket : )
I want to buy myself a nice jacket.
my fat finger didn’t type “m” as the last character of the email. It should be
i subscribed via rss
my fat finger didn’t type “m” as the last character of the email. It should be
I love Amazon and could definitely use a $100 gift card. I would buy a large box of diapers, bathing suit, and new shoes for my toddler.
Lucky you! So far, I’ve won absolutely nothing this year but I’m hoping my luck will change.. perhaps w/ this giveaway. I’d spend the money on a new cat tower for my 2 cats.
I follow you on twitter.
I would love to buy some decorations for my home!
I would use it to buy my son his bday gift! His birthday is in 3 weeks!
Followed on twitter!
I would buy household items like paper towels, etc.