$100 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway


My lucky streak continues into 2014. I won three more contests since the new year started, which means I’m off to a very good start!

Now it’s my turn to host a giveaway. Leave a comment on this post letting me know how you would spend $100. That’s it.

One random winner will be selected next week. The prize is an Amazon gift card code for $100.

Extra entries:

1. Subscribe to One Frugal Girl by RSS. Come back and let me know you’ve subscribed in an additional comment.

2. Follow @onefrugalgirl on Twitter. Come back and let me know you’ve followed in an additional comment.

This contest is now over. The winner is #72: Paulie.

183 thoughts on “$100 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway”

  1. I’d use it to by things for our new house (when we actually move!) Have our house on the market now, hoping to sell, and looking to move to our “forever” home!

  2. I want to win this for my niece. I won’t go into many details, but she has overcome so many hardships and has just been accepted into a very good college. If I win the gift card, I will give it to her for a graduation/off to college gift.

  3. I’d use it to buy an oven burner to replace our shot one, and new dishwasher wheels to help the rack slide in and out a little easier. If there’s any left over it would go towards groceries.

  4. I would buy matching children plates, bowls and cups for my girls so that they don’t fight over who gets what anymore! I would stock up on gluten free treats for my girls as well (they both have food allergies!) and I would buy Say Goodbye to Survival Mode, by Crystal Paine!


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