My lucky streak continues into 2014. I won three more contests since the new year started, which means I’m off to a very good start!
Now it’s my turn to host a giveaway. Leave a comment on this post letting me know how you would spend $100. That’s it.
One random winner will be selected next week. The prize is an Amazon gift card code for $100.
Extra entries:
1. Subscribe to One Frugal Girl by RSS. Come back and let me know you’ve subscribed in an additional comment.
2. Follow @onefrugalgirl on Twitter. Come back and let me know you’ve followed in an additional comment.
This contest is now over. The winner is #72: Paulie.
I also subscribe to your RSS feed via AOL Reader
New knitting needles!
We renovated our home last summer and ran out of funds, I have wires hanging from the ceiling! I’d get a new light for our hall.
I would buy some books and dvds. I’d also buy a couple of birthday presents for people.
Following you on twitter (@channynn)
I follow you on Twitter.
Congratulations on your wins! I would buy homeschool books.
I follow you on Twitter
I would use it to put toward my Bosch mixer that I have been wanting for 12 years now.
I would spend it on my sons birthday