My lucky streak continues into 2014. I won three more contests since the new year started, which means I’m off to a very good start!
Now it’s my turn to host a giveaway. Leave a comment on this post letting me know how you would spend $100. That’s it.
One random winner will be selected next week. The prize is an Amazon gift card code for $100.
Extra entries:
1. Subscribe to One Frugal Girl by RSS. Come back and let me know you’ve subscribed in an additional comment.
2. Follow @onefrugalgirl on Twitter. Come back and let me know you’ve followed in an additional comment.
This contest is now over. The winner is #72: Paulie.
I would buy kcups and tp!
I’d love to take my wife out for a romantic dinner. I’m usually too cheap to pay for this out of my own pocket, but if someone else paid I’d have no reason not to take her.
I subscribe via RSS.
I would probably spent it on children’s books for my girls.
If I had an extra $100, I would split it between something that was fun for me (probably towards cute boots) and something that was fun for my kids (probably the LEGO movie that comes out next weekend as well as pizza and a trip to the frozen yogurt place!)
It would be nice to use toward a wedding gift for my son.
oh I also follow via feedly RSS service
I’d buy books!
I follow your RSS with Feedly.
And I follow you on Twitter (I’m @lilmsmoneybags)