Tonight I stumbled across the 43 Things website. The site allows you to create a list of 43 things you’d like to accomplish. The creators of the site claim that people who document their goals are more likely to achieve them. You can view other’s lists and incorporate their aspirations into your own. It’s a pretty nifty idea. As you check your goals off the list you can write stories capturing your progress.
Here’s the start of my list:
- Be well.
- Find Courage.
- Explore… my life, my career, my passions.
- Spend more time with those I love.
- Start a Journal.
- Meditate.
- Enjoy the weather when it’s sunny and warm outside.
- Walk at least one mile each day.
- Read for pleasure.
- Rediscover happiness.
- Sing in the shower.
- Take a yoga class.
- Go to sleep earlier.
- Smile more.
- Worry less.
- Breathe.
That sounds nice (your list). I hope you’re able to achieve all the thing you hope for.
I do write my goals by the way, too, but in my own journal.
Your goals could be phrased better, to encourage you to accomplish more of them.
The one thing I’ve noticed is there isn’t very much specificity. Meditate? How often, how long, etc? What kind of meditation (if you know it already, you don’t have to write it down). Come up with images of waht you would look like having accomplished those goals, and/or in the process of accomplishing those goals.
I’ve found there ot be a light year difference between phrasing goals specifically and just jotting down ideas, in terms of which ones I get done.
Hi Frugal Girl!
I’d highly encourage investing in yoga because I believe it may help accomplish a few of your goals listed here.
– Be well. Yoga is the only natural way to completely detoxify the entire body through various asanas, or postures. A quiet meditative practice gives focus and enables you to think well.
– Find Courage. Yogic philosophy takes immense courage to let go of attachment and our egos. Rather than exerting control, you’ll learn how to become ‘present’
– Meditate. Yoga is a means to prepare our mind and bodies for the ultimate end of meditation, which transcends into a deeper, calmer consciousness
– Rediscover happiness.
– Take a yoga class.
– Worry less. You can apply the power of universal consciousness to any situation or condition and learn how to honor the little steps which lead to where you want to be. This also involves being ‘present’ and dissolving worry and other expectations
– Breathe. Breathing is the core principle of yoga and reminds us how to follow our breath, leading to more vibrant health.
Jennifer Lynn — That’s a great point about yoga. Early last year I practiced yoga every morning and it definitely made me happier, healthier, and less worried. I need to get back into that routine.