Odds, Ends and Random Thoughts for the Week

A few thoughts…


  • My son has been sick for the past week, which means my little boy who never watches television is sitting in front of it for hours on end. Just as he started to feel better he passed the bug on to me. I tried all sorts of quiet games this morning, but none seemed to keep him happy, so I’m afraid to say the TV is back on. I’m a little worried that we’ll need to break this habit once we all feel better.
  • We wrote two very large checks to cover estimated taxes this week. It just so happens that the stock market also took a bite of our savings. Needless to say logging in to our bank account is not making me happy.
  • My husband gave me an excellent idea for a book. I’ve always wanted to write one.
  • According to the calculations in my handy-dandy spreadsheet our mortgage could be paid off in as little as five years or as many as eight. Eight years doesn’t seem like a lot, but for my husband’s sake, (he’s the one working), I’d really like to be finished in five. Well, honestly, I wish we were already done with it. My original plan was to be finished by thirty-five. Looks like I’ll be somewhere between forty-one and forty-four.
  • My blog was inaccessible for a short time yesterday, (reason still unknown), and I went into a tizzy. I didn’t realize how attached I am to this site. I’ve been writing since March of 2006 and couldn’t bear the thought of losing it. Even if I never blogged again I’d like to know I could go back and read through everything I wrote. Luckily my husband assured me he is backing up my data.
  • I feel like it’s been cold, rainy or snowy most of the last few weeks and I really need to spend more time outdoors. Bring out the sun!

In other news today is the last day to enter my Amazon $100 giveaway. If you haven’t left a comment already you’ll need to click over to that post before midnight EST.

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1 thought on “Odds, Ends and Random Thoughts for the Week”

  1. I’m thankful for DVDs on those days when someone is sick as well! It makes you appreciate the no TV days even more. šŸ™‚

    It is so exciting to see the mortgage numbers go down! I can’t wait until ours is paid off early. I work part time at our church so how early we pay ours off is correlated to how long I keep working. Thankfully I can bring both of our kids with me, but some days I’m ready to be done a lot sooner than others.


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