A Little Advice… Clothes for the Hospital

I was wondering if any of the moms out there could help me decide what to pack for the hospital. The little one is due in just under five weeks and I’m not sure if I should buy a nursing night gown or simply bring along a top and shorts.

I think a nursing nightgown might be a little easier, because a couple of people told me it’s rather difficult to bend down to pull your pants up and down after delivery. Of course I don’t currently own a nursing nightgown, so if I need one then I need to head online or out to the store to purchase one.

To be honest I haven’t worn pants of any type much since a few weeks after I found out that I was pregnant. I was very bloated early on and found all of my old pants uncomfortable. I bought a bunch of soft cotton dresses, pulled a few more out of the closet and have been living in them for months! I’ve been really comfortable with this approach, which is why I’m leaning towards a nursing nightgown over the alternatives.

On the other hand at home I tend to sleep without clothes, so I hate the idea of buying something I only plan to wear for a day or two. If any of you have suggestions on what you wore or maybe more importantly what you wished you wore I’d love to hear from you!

11 thoughts on “A Little Advice… Clothes for the Hospital”

  1. Great question and I am looking forward to other's replies. I could use the same advice. One thought, could any of your dresses work as a nightgown?

  2. Just go to goodwill and get some nightgowns that button down the front a bit. Enough so that you will be able to access your food supplies easily when the baby is crying. Once your milk comes in you can get a nighttime bra to wear underneath if you want more closure. I think I ended up just sleeping in the nighttime nursing bra at some point. That time is all a bit of a blur.

  3. I wouldn't spend much on anything to wear at the hospital. I know, some online sites and blogs promote this but I just used the gowns provided since we were there all of 2 days. That time really flies by and there are certain issues with non-hospital clothing. I had to be checked constantly and it would have been more difficult in any version of normal clothing. Also, leaking. I don't want to be crude or graphic, but I had to change gowns a couple of times. I was told that was very common.

    I wished that I'd taken a nice soft robe and I was really glad I took some of those socks with grippy feet.

  4. I would wear something extremely comfortable – loose t-shirts and pants or shorts – but take a bathrobe so you can throw it on when visitors come. I didn't have the energy to wear real clothes, but I bought a new bathrobe so I could put it on and look somewhat decent for pictures.

    Don't forget some slippers or house shoes. I hated walking across the floor in socked feet, even in my room.

  5. I think the idea of a nursing nightgown is great, but a big loose t-shirt works just as well. I nursed my daughter for 19 months and never owned a nursing shirt, just nursing bras. I woremy regular shirts and just lifted them up.
    I had a c-section, so in the hospital I wore their gown, as someone was always checking on something down there! A pair of stretchy, loose cotton shorts would help too, easy to pull down and still offer coverage of the pads you will be wearing.

  6. Just borrow a tshirt from your husband and wear it – you won't want to do much of anything at all. You'll want a cardigan as well if you get cold – hospitals don't keep the heat up. Bring slippers as you won't want to pull on socks, and they don't let you walk around barefoot.

    You won't want to change clothes, you'll only want to sleep and hold your baby lol. Don't worry about putting on a fashion show. I agree, buy a new bathrobe to pull on before visitors arrive, but make it a maternity one – your belly will still look 5 mos preg for a few weeks after you give birth. Don't bring any prepreg clothes to wear, you'll still need the maternity ones for awhile.

    Or you could just get a nursing bra as someone else said – you can get one that is stretchy and you'll be comfortable in it. A lot of them are like tank tops with built-in support that button down for nursing. I lived in nursing tanks and this type of nursing bra for the first 3 mos w/ DS.

    I didn't use half the things I brought to the hospital, it would have been better to pack light and just bring easy things. You will be sleep deprived and busy w/ your newborn, and in pain, so you won't want to work any harder than you have to when you get dressed. GL!

  7. I wore the hospital gowns due to bleeding. It is just a fact and may get blood on your nice nightgown. When you feel like getting a shower ask the hospital to give you a fresh gown. Comfort, ease of access and no worry about ruining your own gown.

  8. Yes to nursing bras.
    Yes to hospital gowns, with maybe a robe to throw on if company shows up. Or at least to put on if you have to get up and go to the bathroom while company is there — those hospital gowns are pretty, um, chancy.

  9. I had a baby about a month ago via C-Section. I was actually due about the same time as you but my little one decided to make an early appearance. I was on bed rest in the hospital for 2 weeks prior to the C-Section and got to know the hospital robes very well.

    I found that it was easiest just to wear their robe cause they want to check you for bleeding (and if it's was a C-Section your incision) at shift changes. There is a high chance of you getting the clothes you're wearing icky so I would say just wear the hospital robe. The one concession would be if you have visitors and will be getting up having your own bath robe is helpful although a second hospital robe works as well. Wearing their slippers is a good idea too. I don't know about you but the floors of a hospital gross me out and I wouldn't want to take any of those germs home with me.

    I really recommend a night time nursing bra. I find it's helpful to have it on at night in case of leaking. Then you're not getting your PJs and bedding all gross. Breastmilk can be stinky! Something like this works for me but I'm only pumping at this point and not actually breastfeeding yet. http://www.buybuybaby.com/product.asp?SKU=113336&
    It's loose enough that it's not uncomfortable.

  10. You all are the greatest! It sounds like I should stick with the hospital garments and remember to bring a nursing bra, robe (for visitors), a small sweater (in case it's cold in the hospital) and socks or slippers. I'm so glad I asked the question I was all set to go out and buy nursing pajamas! Now I can save my money for other things.


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