An Eco-Friendly and Cost Conscious Laundry Alternative

I’m constantly on the search for products that benefit both the earth and my wallet. While searching for an alternative to laundry detergent and dryer sheets I came across the Complete Laundry System. The system includes one round laundry ball and two pointy shaped dryer balls.

The laundry ball is placed into your washing machine without any laundry detergent. I wondered how this tiny little laundry ball could clean my clothes without any soap. According to the manufacturer the tiny ball creates an energy field when agitated in the machine, which thins the water and helps it move through the fibers of your clothing.

I will admit that I was skeptical at first. I stuck the ball in a dirty load of laundry with some of my husband’s stinkiest t-shirts. I thought for sure that they would still smell when I pulled them from the washer, but as unbelievable as it may seem the clothes came out smelling fresh and clean.

Then I tried the dryer balls. My husband and I actually hang all of our laundry to dry on a pipe in the basement, but we do run the clothes through the dryer on ‘air’, with a dryer sheet, just to fluff them and get the wrinkles out. My husband was very skeptical of the balls and claimed they wouldn’t soften the clothes the way he likes. We tossed the dry laundry into the dryer and added the two pointy shaped balls. Fifteen minutes later we pulled out soft, wrinkle-free shirts. Admittedly the clothes weren’t quite as soft as they are when using dryer sheets, but they were plenty soft and wrinkle free.

The best part about the Complete Laundry System is that the dryer balls are designed to last a lifetime and even more importantly they replace those awful dryer sheets! The laundry ball is designed to last at least three years or 2,000 washes, whichever comes first.

Mystic Wonders has kindly offered a Complete Laundry System to one reader of One Frugal Girl. For an opportunity to win please leave a comment below telling me why you’d like to try this product. This giveaway will end Monday, May 18th.

** This giveaway is now closed. The winner has been contacted and has 48 hours to respond to my email. If I do not receive a response within 48 hours another winner will be chosen.

43 thoughts on “An Eco-Friendly and Cost Conscious Laundry Alternative”

  1. I would like to participate in the contest. The pevious post have said everything I would say and then some. Thank You for the contest and my household of 7 would appreciate it and my domestic goddess who does laudry daily would love it also. Also, our 11 year old son who does his own laudry would like it also

  2. I would love to try these laundry balls. I am a stay at home mom and we are always trying to save money and this would be great. Also both I and my children have very sensitive skin so I have to buy the more expensive detergent that is dye and perfume free. We also can not use fabric softener at all because of our skin. This would be a great alternative.

  3. Unfortunately, the dryer balls work by breaking the fibers of your clothes. The added 'softness' comes from the broken ends. So while it may be 'environmentally friendly' in that no chemicals are used, your clothes will degrade faster and need to be replaced sooner… thereby ending up in the landfill sooner.


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