Anonymity and Net Worth

Lately I’ve been thinking a lot more about how much I reveal in this blog. If my family or friends read any of my posts they would immediately identify me as the author. As I continue to write I now realize that even distant friends and acquaintances might be able to piece the clues of my identity together. Just a few short weeks ago a co-worker identified me.

Originally I wanted this blog to remain entirely anonymous, but as time progresses I’ve decided it’s difficult to tell the story of my financial life without revealing quite a lot about myself. Plus, it makes this blog much more interesting. To date I have written 210 posts and I’ve decided there is only one financial topic I would be uncomfortable sharing in the ‘real’ world. Amazingly, of all the topics I’ve written about I am most uncomfortable with posts detailing my net worth.

I originally included these details in an effort to demonstrate how one can work hard and accumulate money at a very young age. At 29 and 30 my husband and I have a net worth that rivals those twice our age. I did not come from money, marry into money, or fall into a high paying job just out of college. I am simply a frugal girl, with great debt aversions who has scrimped and saved money.

I have considered removing the details of my net worth from my blog. Although I know this information may be cached in the realm of the Internet I believe my family and friends will be less likely to discover these numbers. I worry how friends and family would perceive my husband and I if our finances were revealed to them.

6 thoughts on “Anonymity and Net Worth”

  1. Your post spurred me to go back and look at your net worth (I wouldnt have if not for it), its amazing for someone as young as you are.

    What would you say the secrets of your success have been?

  2. This is actually one of the reasons that I don’t blog myself. I don’t want my family and friends to know my net worth. With my used cars and small home, they think that I am one missed paycheck away from homeless. I have a friend that is the same way. People will offer him money on the street (even though he isn’t soliciting) and he is a multi-millionaire and owns several sports cars, homes, and airplanes. He almost never buys clothes and when he does they are used.

    It is for you to decide, but I like to be left alone and not worry about friends and family asking for money.

  3. I understand entirely if you decide to remove that information, but I hope you keep it. It’s inspiring to those of us who are starting out on the way to gaining greater net worth. I’m slightly older than you and your husband, but I’d like to work my way towards having greater net worth.

  4. Alex’s comment has inspired me to start a new series on the ‘secrets of my success.’

    Thanks Alex and stay tuned…

  5. Hi, yes I think you’ve done well too. Ironically so many pf bloggers have negative net worths and are digging themselves out of debt.

    However I’m a little dismayed you fear a negative reaction from friends and family on revealing it. Surely they would be happy and pleased for you? My parents like to mention the houses I own, they’re proud of it I guess.

    I also would like to see you write about what “secrets” you have to your success.

  6. Although quite a bit older I went through a similar decision making process when I set up my blog. I am much more comfortable not disclosing my net worth.

    I look forward to reading the secrets of your success (I’m guessing from what I have read on your blog so far that it will read much like a successful case study from The Millionaire Next Door).


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