I have recently finished reading a number of personal finance books including The Millionaire Next Door, Suze Orman (The Courage to Be Rich), and Suze Orman (9 Steps to Financial Freedom). I’ve handed the books off to a couple of friends, who read them, and kindly returned them, but now I really have no need for them.
If you have any interest in swapping one of your personal finance books for one of these leave a comment. I really want to read the 4-hour work week. Other than that I’m not looking for anything specific, of course I’d obviously prefer something you’ve enjoyed reading.
If you don’t have a book to swap but have suggestions on a great read, feel free to leave a comment below.
I have Rich Dad Poor Dad if you would like to swap! Srry it took so long to e-mail…lol. Drop me a line.
Will trade Automatic Millionaire (Hardback) by David Bach for Suze Orman (The Courage to Be Rich) if you’re interested.
Emma — I tried to find your email, but couldn’t seem to find a trace of it anywhere on your blog. If you email me your address at onefrugalgirl at gmail dot com I’d be happy to swap with you. Just tell me which book you’d like.
It looks the books you would swap I also own. But, what a great idea. A few friends and I just started exchanging books. Also, you can find a lot of pf books at the library.