Blogging Recap & Reflections: What a Year!

I finished out 2019 with sixty-eight blog posts. That’s a whole lot more than I thought I would complete. It’s so many that I decided to pat myself on the back and write up a blogging recap for the year.

My goal is not to write multiple times per week or even every week for that matter. Instead I now write only when I feel inspired to do so.

So far this is working out better than I ever expected. When I feel excited by a topic the words flow so quickly that I can’t keep them at bay. I started keeping a notepad on hand to write down random thoughts that pop up in the car and my notes application running so I can jot down ideas at the gym.

So here is the entire list of posts for 2019! I’ve been blogging since 2006 and this is the first time I’ve ever attempted to create a post like this. It’s fun to see where my mind wandered this year and to visualize the entire list all in one place!

Most Popular:


Feature in Forbes:

Linked to By Other Bloggers:

Received the Most Heartfelt Comments & Emails:

The Hardest to Write:

All of the posts in the grouping above plus the following:

Financial Independence:

Money Mentality:







A big thank you to everyone who read my posts this year!

6 thoughts on “Blogging Recap & Reflections: What a Year!”

    • It’s not bad considering I only write when I feel inspired to do so! Thanks for reading them and for leaving so many wonderful comments this year!

    • I am definitely taking my writing more seriously since I returned. I used to throw stuff on the page. Now I spend a whole lot more time thinking about what I want to say even if that means I rarely say anything at all 🙂 Thank you for encouraging me to write again.


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