Early in the novel Cate learns of a prophecy that puts into question the importance of her sisters and their role in the future of witchery. It is up to Cate to learn more about their future and to keep them all safe and together in the mean time. This is difficult to do because the two younger sisters summon spells with carefree whimsy despite Cate’s insistence that they be serious and careful.
To make matters worse Cate has a limited amount of time to choose her future. The Brothers force all young women to choose between marriage and joining the Sisterhood and while Cate wants to protect her sisters she is also torn by desire to follow her own heart.
While I thought the beginning of this novel unfolded quite slowly I did enjoy the overall story and couldn’t wait to read the final chapters. It certainly gets more interesting and intriguing as the take unfolds. Be forewarned though that this story doesn’t wrap up in a neat little bow at the end. Apparently it is only the first book in a series called The Cahill Witch Chronicles, so to discover more I guess I need to keep reading.
Note: I was compensated for this BlogHer Book Club review but all opinions expressed are my own.