Every year I find it nearly impossible to go Christmas shopping without purchasing at least one or two items for myself. I always find unbeatable sales on a whole host of items I want but don’t need. Throughout the rest of the year I can suppress the urge to buy, but during the holiday season I typically succumb at least once.
Rather than feeling guilty about purchasing gifts for myself this holiday season, I decided to work a little extra money in my Christmas budget. Alongside my mom, dad, husband, brother, niece, nephew, etc. I created a little line item for myself.
Yesterday I headed over to Ann Taylor Loft and purchased two new blouses and a beautiful pair of earrings. The blouses were 80% off of their original retail price and the earrings were 60% off. I bought all three items without feeling guilty and I didn’t blow my budget. In fact, so far this season I’ve managed to stay within a few dollars of the limits I imposed for all of my family members. This may be the first year that I actually stick to my budget.
for me its better to give than to recieve. in short even though there is nothing left for me i still give because it makes me feel good when i see someones face happy just because of the simple things that i gave.- cyruz of http://www.paidsurvey.com
I know what you mean. I have been shopping for everyone else, and sometimes its nice to have a few little indulgences yourself. I like that you included it into your budget – that way you dont feel guilty about it. I will have to remember that for next year 🙂
@cyruz — I should mention that I didn’t cut back on gifts for anyone else. oh and did I mention that by using the gift card my entire purchase cost only $5!
I usually find a few things for myself too. One year it was a brilliant red tea kettle. This year it was barn stars for my bedroom. I should probably do the adding myself as a line item too. 🙂
this time of year ignites the shopper in me, whether it be for holiday gifts, dining out, or splurging on things for myself. it’s bad lol. i’ve been (fairly) good so far!