Do You Have a Shopping Vice?

Did you ever have one of those moments where you look down in your shopping bag and wonder what on earth you just bought? Maybe you don’t regret the purchase right away, maybe it creeps up on you months later when you look at that awful orange dress hanging in the closet or the ridiculously … Read more

$600 Got Him Moving!

I hate to lose things. I mean absolutely, positively hate to lose things. To be honest I go a little berserk when things get lost. I inherited this characteristic from my mother. She wasn’t the most organized person in the world and she carried a tremendously large purse around wherever she traveled, which certainly didn’t … Read more

My Husband is Not a Moocher

Photo by: My husband has many good qualities and a few that drive me absolutely crazy. He’s the type of guy that won’t let his parents buy him an expensive birthday gift, even though they clearly have the money to pay for it. When we’re in a restaurant he always yanks the bill off … Read more

My Purse Was Stolen

I’m not sure of the exact sequence of events, but at some point over the course of a 48 hour period my car was ransacked. There didn’t appear to be any visible signs of breaking and entering so I’m pretty certain that my husband or I accidentally left the vehicle unlocked. I am typically vigilant … Read more

Just One of Those Days

My 1998 Jeep Yesterday as my husband was leaving for work he handed me a notification and told me the deadline for our vehicle inspection was that very day. It was nearly 10 o’clock and I had an 11 o’clock appointment, but I grabbed my diaper bag and started to get ready when my husband … Read more

Was It Worth the Wait?

We live in an older community without mailboxes, which means the mail is delivered by a mail person who walks all the way up to our door, opens the mail slot and drops the mail in. This time last year our faithful mailman retired. Before he left he told me that no one wanted his … Read more

How Having A Child Has Impacted My Finances

This is not a post about saving money for my son’s future college expenses, making sure my insurance policies are in place or how much I paid to furnish the nursery. This is not about how much money I spend buying him clothes or toys or whatever other things toddlers need or desire. This post … Read more

Unequal Gift Giving and Financial Handouts

I want to thank all of the readers who left comments on last week’s posts: What Do You Think: Unequal Financial Handouts From Parents and Unequal Financial: Handouts Would You Turn Down a Gift From Your Parents? I appreciate the honesty and sincerity in your words. Before closing this topic, I wanted to leave a few last remarks. … Read more

Selling Books: A Little Lost Package

For the past year or so I’ve been selling the majority of my used books to book buying services. As I mentioned in a previous post I find it easier to bundle up books and sell them in one big group then to list them on eBay or and wait for someone to buy … Read more

Good Riddance Capital One!

When my husband started his business back in 2009 he registered for a Capital One business credit card. We use Chase for all of our personal credit needs, but we received an application from Capital One shortly after incorporating and decided to complete the form without investigating other options. That was our first mistake. We … Read more