Birthday Party for a Three Year Old – Yay or Nay?

Last year I threw a birthday party for my son that included close family and three of his little friends and their associated families. I considered inviting his friends this year but the guest list began growing out of control. If I invite friends from preschool then I feel the need to invite the entire … Read more

Preschool Drop Off Was Harder Than I Expected

I knew it wouldn’t be easy to drop my little guy off at preschool. I expected a bit of separation anxiety and perhaps a few tears. After three straight years together I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that it would be hard to place my son in the arms of his teacher and … Read more

Preschool: Decision Made

Last week I made the decision to visit the co-op preschool one last time. My husband told me that it would be a big waste of time, (he has been voting for the traditional preschool since January), but I wanted to make peace with my decision once and for all. I also wanted to meet the woman … Read more

The Pros and Cons of Co-Op Preschools

I am not much closer to choosing a preschool for my son, but I did take some time to write down a list of pros and cons for each. Co-op Preschool Pros: No Forced Separations Shorter Days (2.5 hours) Parent Participation Parents Love the Co-op Approach Price Socialization between Myself and Other Moms Co-op Preschool Cons: Didn’t Get … Read more

Preschool: Traditional or Co-op?

Believe it or not I still haven’t settled on a preschool for my son. I began contemplating the preschool versus no-preschool option at the end of last year and visited a few open houses in January. I applied to two schools in our area and my son was accepted into both. Initially I wavered on … Read more

Thoughts on Preschool

I attended a couple of preschool open houses over the past month. I’m still not convinced that I actually want to send my child to preschool, but I want to know what options are available when I finally make a decision. Have I mentioned that I absolutely hate making decisions? Yes, a million times. Well … Read more

I’m Learning So Much From My Son

Before I had children I didn’t understand just how different every child’s development timeline can be. Have you ever wondered why one child is so difficult to understand when the child next to him can speak so clearly? Why a boy is such a neat eater when his sister is so ridiculously messy? Or why … Read more