Cleaned Out the Fridge

For a week and a half my husband and I focused on making breakfast, lunch and dinner with the food we had on hand. Our goal was to clean out the fridge prior to our 2 week vacation and so far we’ve been extremely successful.

We managed to finish off quite a few half-empty jars and bottles. We cleaned off all but one of the shelves in the fridge and the majority of fruit and vegetables in the produce drawers. Over the next two days we need to finish off two red peppers, a pound of red potatoes and a couple of lemons and limes.

I plan to make a couple of salads over the next two days so I can finish off half a head of lettuce, a cup of shredded carrots, a handful of sunflower seeds and a bunch of walnuts. I also have enough yogurt and fruit on hand to make at least one more smoothie, possibly two.

It’s actually been really fun to come up with things to do with leftover chicken and remnants of fruits and vegetables from the refrigerator. I’m surprised by how many creative ways my husband and I made do with the food we had on hand.

Best of all we won’t have much food to transport to North Carolina. We can definitely avoid transporting a large cooler to the beach with us. My only concern… Can we manage to eat everything at the beach so we don’t need a cooler for the trip back home?

1 thought on “Cleaned Out the Fridge”

  1. The best way to save money is not to waste it.
    I found that I was wasting a lot of food in the fridge which became bad as I forgot about it completely.

    We have a habit of buying stuff just because…it is cheap/on sale/someone else thought it was cool.

    Being a minimalist is also a great idea!


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