Considering Buying a Camera

Since I bought my husband a Nikon D40 two years ago he has become a semi-professional photographer. He started shooting sports, then special events and most recently weddings. Of course, he’s upgraded all of his equipment and purchased new bodies and lenses as his career has progressed. His photographs have gotten better and better over time and everyone agrees that his photos are amazing.

Unfortunately, he tends to keep his camera equipment with him at all times, so although we own a ton of expensive camera equipment it’s really not available for my use most of the time. I find myself thinking more and more about purchasing a camera of my own. I’m inspired by my husband’s photos and the photos of bloggers who post photos every day.

The trouble is… I’m not certain that I’ll really take a lot of pictures if I buy one. I might be excited right now, but as time progresses it may just collect dust on the shelf. So rather than buying a new or used camera right away, I’ve decided to try to earn the money for it by selling items on eBay. If I can earn at least half of the money in the next month or two then I’ll feel more justified in making the purchase.

4 thoughts on “Considering Buying a Camera”

  1. I’m glad he’s doing so well with it!

    You might surprise yourself .. I am always inspired to take even more photos when I am with someone who is also interested and shooting. šŸ™‚

  2. The sony point and shoot is a great starter camera for those who are excited and want great pictures but are not sure about outlandish photography skills. They have one that has 7.0 and one that is better. Check them out on ebay.

  3. @Elizabeth — Talk about inspiration. Your site is one of the reasons I want a camera of my own!

    @Anonymous — Thanks for the suggestion. I’m searching through eBay and Craigslist.

    @sara — unfortunately my husband sold his starter cameras in order to pay for the more expensive ones. So I’m on my own on this one.


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