Extending the Love


I was hesitant to have a shower for baby #2, but oh so happy my family decided to host a sprinkle despite my reservations. Other than one former coworker the attendees were all family members and extremely close friends. All the people I love so dearly.

I didn’t see the invitation but I was told it stated no gifts. That’s good because the goal was not to fill our house with baby stuff, but rather to celebrate the long awaited birth of our second child. I suppose the verbiage didn’t matter much because everyone brought a small present anyway.

Since this is our second child I didn’t expect to receive any gifts, but I have been inundated by love and good wishes. After the shower we received packages from twelve additional gift givers; including a giant box of baby clothes. It seems a new box arrived on our front steps every afternoon for ten straight days. We also received three meals and two bags full of tasty snacks that I spent the last three weeks munching on.

Every afternoon I sat down to write detailed thank you notes, (I am a stickler for saying thank you quickly and sincerely), and every time I thought I was finished writing notes another gift arrived.

We are truly blessed by the generosity of those we know. Our blessings come from friends, neighbors, distant family members, former coworkers, my husband’s current coworkers and friends of the family. My heart is truly warmed by the love that has been extended to the new member of our family.

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