Free Tunes: Streaming Internet Radio

Last night my husband introduced me to Pandora Internet Radio and I haven’t stopped listening to music since. This site is a magical little gift. You simply search for a song or artist and the site will create a personalized stream of music for you.

The site is based on a ten year categorization of music otherwise known as the Music Genome Project.

On January 6, 2000 a group of musicians and music-loving technologists came together with the idea of creating the most comprehensive analysis of music ever.

Together we set out to capture the essence of music at the most fundamental level. We ended up assembling literally hundreds of musical attributes or “genes” into a very large Music Genome. Taken together these genes capture the unique and magical musical identity of a song – everything from melody, harmony and rhythm, to instrumentation, orchestration, arrangement, lyrics, and of course the rich world of singing and vocal harmony. It’s not about what a band looks like, or what genre they supposedly belong to, or about who buys their records – it’s about what each individual song sounds like.

Since we started back in 2000, we’ve carefully listened to the songs of tens of thousands of different artists – ranging from popular to obscure – and analyzed the musical qualities of each song one attribute at a time. This work continues each and every day as we endeavor to include all the great new stuff coming out of studios, clubs and garages around the world.

It has been quite an adventure, you could say a little crazy – but now that we’ve created this extraordinary collection of music analysis, we think we can help be your guide as you explore your favorite parts of the music universe.

The site is absolutely amazing. It has introduced me to songs and artists I’ve never heard before. If you’ve never used Pandora before I implore you to give it a try. I bet you’ll be amazed by the site’s ability to find music you’ll love. Let’s face it we all need a little more music in our lives and this site will help you find all the tunes you adore.

* I was not compensated for this post. I just really love this site!

5 thoughts on “Free Tunes: Streaming Internet Radio”

  1. I haven't tried it out but have heard good things. They have it so filtered out at work that I'm surprised it let me go to your page. My wife fell in love with Pandora bracelets last year, and trying to do some luncthime shopping for Christmas presents was tough last year šŸ™‚

  2. I love Pandora too…but be forewarned there is a monthly limit on the hours you can listen (thus you just have to sign up for another account with another email address -assuming you keep one for junk emails like I do)….I love to turn it on when I'm cooking or cleaning. It has a way of bringing up songs I've forgotten.

  3. @BudgetBabe – Thanks for the link to grooveshark! Very cool.

    @Money Beagle – I'm locked out at work too. I use my iPhone to rock out there.

    @Megan – I didn't realize Pandora had a monthly limit. I wonder how quickly I'll hit it.

  4. I LOVE Pandora! It's great for when I'm at work at my desk and just need some music to listen to. I can pick the genres that I need at the moment, and, because they're not usually songs I personally have, I'm less distracted by them for some reason.

    Also weird fact: my sister and I have a lot of the same artist seeds, but for some reason you can tell whose account is signed in just by listening!


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