How To Make Life Easier After the Baby Arrives

Last night my husband and I found ourselves wide awake at 3 o’clock in the morning discussing the soon-to-be arrival of our first child. Although the little one isn’t due until October we’re already trying to figure out how best to prepare for those first few weeks of long days and sleepless nights.

My ever-so-understanding husband asked me to put money concerns on the back burner for the first month or so. He reminded me that it’s okay if we spend more money in those first few weeks while we work to get things situated and under control. He knows me well enough to know that I’ll feel guilty for blowing the budget on items I would otherwise avoid.

After a lengthy discussion we decided on the following plan. First, we’ll order our groceries from Pea Pod when and if necessary. I tend to be one of those people who doesn’t always remember to eat when times get busy and stressful. While I can stock the pantry well in advance of my due date, I also want to make certain that the refrigerator is full of fresh fruits, vegetables and other healthy snacks.

I tried Pea Pod a long time ago, because I received a high value coupon for money off plus free shipping and handling. My experience was good a one, but I actually enjoy shopping for groceries and can avoid the delivery fees by driving to the store myself. Once the baby arrives I’m not certain that I’ll have the time or energy to make my way to the store, so I’m willing to pay the extra money to order groceries online and have them delivered. This ensures that our refrigerator will be stocked and that my husband and I won’t find ourselves tired, cranky and hungry.

Second, I’m considering hiring a cleaner just before the baby’s arrival, so the house is clean and shiny when we return from the hospital. For the first few months I plan to have them clean every two to three weeks. While a dirty house isn’t the worst thing in the world it would be nice to know that this is one less thing on my to-do list. I’m the type to sweep and dust the house before guests arrive. I’m sure that we’ll receive a bunch of pop-in visitors in those first few weeks and it would be nice to know that I can enjoy their company without thinking that the house looks atrocious.

Third, while I plan to prepare a freezer full of meals in advance, I have also resigned myself to the notion that we might need to call for delivery much more often than usual. In a typical month we pick up food from local restaurants three to four times at most. There is no doubt in my mind that the number will double, triple or possibly quadruple after the baby’s arrival. Thanks to some recent comments from loyal readers I have ways to mitigate those risks, but at the end of the day we have to eat, and if that means we have to pay for take-out, well that’s exactly what we’ll do.

I’m actually very happy that my husband and I chatted about all of this last night. He knows that I am a bit of a penny pincher and that I really don’t like to pay full price for things when I don’t have to. I’m happy that we were able to discuss these issues well in advance of the little one’s arrival and get on the same page sooner than later. Now that we have a plan of action I feel much more relaxed about the financial compromises we may need to make in the near future.

11 thoughts on “How To Make Life Easier After the Baby Arrives”

  1. That is a great, well thought out plan! I'm the type to plan things to the very last detail, too–it gives me a tiny bit of a sense of control in the midst of something unknown or scary. It is fantastic that your husband is anticipating your concerns and is planning to alleviate your worry. You both sound like you will be awesome parents!!

  2. Congrats on the upcoming birth of your first little one! I love your plan – it is well thought out and should work. One idea you might want to consider – when my second was born, the mom's coffee group that I belonged to, all made me a meal for our freezer. It was perfect – no cooking for weeks.

  3. I love your plan, i'm sure its going to save you lots of time and stress.
    I have an idea that you might want to consider – When my son was born i used use and throw stuff(Paper plates,Disposable cups,spoons), it saved me lot of time with the dishes.
    Have a great time with your li'lle one!!!!!

  4. It's good to have a plan and definitely don't worry about money right after the baby. We went to Target almost every day for stuff we needed that we hadn't anticipated.

    I also like that you're ready with food plans because I know that I did not eat enough when my daughter was first born and I was breastfeeding so I had no energy. A little hint: when the baby sleeps, have a quick snack and then sleep. Otherwise you'll wake up starving and having to deal with a crying baby and guess which you'll do first?

  5. @Sense – Since I'm a planner by nature it certainly helps to feel like I have some basic guidelines in place. It is a sense of control in the midst of chaos šŸ™‚

    @Stephanie – The mom's coffee group meal idea is a great one! A friend offered to take me to one of those make ahead meal places before the little one arrives and I gave my dad the hint that home cooked meals would be greatly appreciated!

    @Anonymous – LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the idea of having paper plates on hand. I'm not so much worried about that for my husband and I, but I'm sure we'll have lots of visitors and it would be nice to know we don't have to do much to clean up after them!

    @Michelle Parker – Thanks!

    @SarahA – Thanks for sharing your story about daily trips to Target. I'm hoping to prepare so that isn't necessary, but totally realize we might not know all that we need before the little one arrives. Thanks for the advice on sleeping and snacking too. A few of my friends with children have recommended that and told me to make it a serious priority!

  6. You might keep an eye on Groupons for restaurants in your area for the time being. That can be a good way to cheaply eat out if you call ahead and order and then send hubby out to get the food. Not the MOST frugal way to do dinner, but a good way to be a bit frugal when your 2 month old nurses 30 minutes of every hour and you just can't face dinner (not to mention putting on a shirt!).


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