Last week I asked my readers for suggestions on how to spend my first mother’s day. I was so happy and inspired by the comments that I thought I’d provide a summary here. I can’t thank my readers enough for all of their wonderful ideas!
Without further ado here are a few of my reader’s suggestions:
- Plant a tree with your child. You can watch it grow over the years and take photographs every year of your child in front of it. (I LOVE this idea and plan to pick one that flowers on Sunday.)
- Mother/Baby photo shoot. (I’ve asked my husband to take some photos of my son and I on Sunday too.)
- Sometimes having a little one can be a bit overwhelming. If it feels difficult to take them out then make the most out of spending time with your family at home. Two suggestions: Enjoy dinner at home or have a picnic right in your own backyard. (Oh yeah we’ll definitely be spending time together at home. I think we’ll eat dinner on the back patio. It’s almost a picnic :))
- Make handprints together with your little one. (I’m going to try to sneak some time in for this too on Sunday.)
- Ask your husband to bring you breakfast in bed. (I’d alter this one slightly to have breakfast for the whole family in bed. The little one can snuggle with daddy while you munch on chocolate chip pancakes or whatever breakfast food you love.)
This post won’t do justice to the comments so I suggest going back to my original post to read them. I’m grateful to all those who provided ideas. I have taken your stories and words to heart and can’t wait to celebrate this weekend!
Having a little one CAN be overwhelming, for sure! For mom or dad. But, spending quality time playing or just being together is insurance for your relationship and will pay dividends later on. I was picturing planting a tree together and it sounds really beautiful. I hope it leads to many more lovely Mother’s Days for you!
The post thoroughly made me overwhelmed all way round. It feels so good when when you get to spend quality time with you mom. Mother is the best ever gift that we get in a lifetime from God. Hence reading the post actually made me emotional and opened the door for new ideas to do along with my mother. Thanks a lot for the article.