Book Details:
Book Title: Journey To A New Earth: Penelope Panda and Kobi Koala Discover A New Earth by Zeiny Sher
Category: Children’s Fiction (Ages 3-7), 30 pages
Genre: Children’s Picture Book
Publisher: Zeiny Sher
Release date: Oct 30 2020
Format available for review: print, ebook (PDF)
Will send print books out: USA
Tour dates: Jan 25 to Feb 12, 2021
Content Rating: G. This children’s book is for everyone.
Book Review:
Journey To A New Earth: Penelope Panda and Kobi Koala is a beautifully illustrated book featuring an unlikely friendship between a panda bear and a koala bear. My five-year-old and I read this book snuggled together on the couch. He was so interested in the captivating images that he didn’t spend much time on the story’s words or plot. I read it a second time, right after the first, and I could tell he was paying more attention to the images than the words.
This book’s vocabulary is quite advanced. My kindergartener can read at an advanced level, but after stumbling through a few pages, he asked me to read it to him instead. Overall it is an adorable book, but the story’s events didn’t capture my son’s interest. He happily placed this book on the shelf after reading it and never asked to listen to it again.
However, a week or so later, he did ask if we could try to draw the illustrations of the panda and koala. We spent hours searching for kids’ art videos and eventually stumbled upon a few with adorable animals that looked similar to those in the book. My son was excited to draw brightly colored animal renderings with bright blue and green backgrounds.
While my son loves to be creative with paint and crafts, he’s never asked to learn to draw before. The fact that he wanted to spend hours searching for videos speaks to the book’s illustrations’ quality and vividness.
Book Description:
Penelope Panda and Kobi Koala Discover a New Earth is an exploration in preservation through connection. Penelope and Kobi are connected through life changing events, which helps them learn how to love and preserve the earth, and how to deeply connect with each other and others along the way.
Meet the Author:
Zeiny Sher is a children’s book author whose journey began while writing a journal of life’s little love and connection experiences for her three-year-old daughter and one-year-old son. With a very close-knit family, Sher has always been passionate about the universal connection we all have and teaching this to the younger generation. She has coached teenage girls on self-esteem and self-worth. Sher enjoys meditation in nature, CrossFit, Safari holidays and baking with her little ones.