This week Money Ning hosted the 179th Carnival of Personal Finance and featured my article Why I Save as an Editor’s Choice. I’m honored to be one of the chosen three in a carnival that includes over 100 articles. Thanks David for the kudos.
My favorite articles from this week’s carnival are:
- Top 10 Reasons we are Not Frugal (Although I cut back on a lot of expenses I too love a long hot shower, pay out the wazoo for iPhone coverage and keep an HDTV plan although I almost never turn on the television.)
- Improve Your “Bottom Line” by Exercising (Trees Full of Money connects the dots between exercise and your wallet.)
- Never Mind A New Economic Stimulus Package – Save Yourself (Free From Broke provides a no-nonsense list to get a handle on your finances.)
I also want to send a shout out to all of my wonderful readers who left comments on Saturday’s call for recipes. I’ve been swamped with work and unable to find significant time to experiment, but my list of favorites is growing by the minute and I seem to spend every spare moment searching food sites. Thank you all so much for your recommendations!
Thanks so much for the mention!
Congrats on being editors pick! You’ve reminded me that I forgot to submit last week… better set a reminder to do it this week 🙂
Thanks for the links. I especially liked the one about exercise. Who wouldn’t want to lower their insurance premium? Excellent. If exercise can lead to a lower incidence of many diseases, I don’t get it why people would object.
Thank you for sharing.Here is the tips for personal finance.
1. Build an emergency fund worth 3-9 months of your monthly income (based on age, income, etc).
2. Contribute to a 401(k), IRA or some sort of retirement vehicle on a regular basis
3. Reduce expenses that are not “needs” if you have a hard time doing steps 1 and 2.