Losing Money the Easy Way

Since my son arrived I’ve spent little to no time searching for bargains. My sleep schedule is still pretty wacky so I’m doing my best just to keep things afloat. I also LOVE being with him and don’t want to waste time driving around town to save a dollar or two. The fact that it’s cold and flu season gives me one more excuse to not venture out of the house. After all, it doesn’t make any sense to purposefully expose him to the sick folks filling their prescription at CVS or Rite Aid. Maybe I’ll change my thinking once the warm weather of spring rolls around.

In the mean time I drive to the drugstores once every couple of weeks, rather than once a week to take advantage of the bargains. This week as I was cleaning out my coupon binder I noticed $10 worth of UP coupons from Rite Aid that I’d completely forgotten about.

For those of you who don’t know… UP coupons are like cash in Rite Aid. You receive them on your register receipt after purchasing specific items, but once earned you can use them to purchase just about anything in the store other than cigarettes, prescriptions and lotto tickets.

When I saw that stash of coupons staring me in the face I nearly kicked myself for forgetting about them. $8 would have paid for a pack of diapers for our son, a tube of diaper ointment or a whole host of other items we need.

In the past I went to the drugstore often enough to ‘roll the coupons.’ I’d use UP coupons to purchase other items that provided more UP coupons, which ultimately resulted in spending little to no money on my drugstore purchases for weeks and weeks on end.

Now that I’m going to the store less and less often I think I need to revisit my strategy. Until I get into a regular habit of bargain shopping I might cut the coupons off the register receipt the minute I receive them. Then I can purchase additional items I need before I even leave the store.

$8 isn’t the end of the world, but it feels like I opened my wallet and let the money fall to the floor. I hate that feeling!

2 thoughts on “Losing Money the Easy Way”

  1. I have to say for me the experience has been the exact opposite. I quit my job when my daughter was born in August and have been staying home with her full time. Since we no longer have my income, I've made it a focus to save money any way I can (even when sleep deprived). I tend to make a list once a week of the places I want to hit and then leave the baby home with my husband. It's a great way for me to get out of the house and him to get some bonding time with our daughter.

  2. From reading your blog, I know that you are a very clever, money-savvy lady. You have the ability to live on one income. Stay at home. You will find the means. Go to the library and check out "The Tightwad Gazette" and read how Amy did it. Going back to work will only make your life a rat race.


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