Maternity Clothes: Dreading Winter


My son was born in October, which means my belly didn’t start blossoming until late spring/early summer. That was a great time to be pregnant because I didn’t need to waste a lot of money on maternity clothes. I found a bunch of inexpensive summer dresses and billowy tops and wore them while I was pregnant. They still reside in my closet and I pull them out every summer when the weather turns warm.

This time around I’ll be pregnant in the midst of winter and I’m having a pickle of a time finding any clothes that work for me. I hate the feeling of maternity pants. I know some women don’t mind them, but I just can’t stand the feeling of that panel riding so high up over my stomach. They tend to run too tight or too loose, which means I either can’t breathe or I can’t keep my drawers from dropping to my knees.

It’s also ridiculously expensive and difficult to find tall maternity pants. It seems so strange to me that the fashion industry showcases clothes on tall women, yet in the real world it is nearly impossible to find pants that can fit a girl above six feet.

Last time around I simply avoided pants altogether. I wore a couple of stretchy capris, but otherwise stuck to skirts and dresses. Unfortunately, that’s a whole lot harder to do when the temperature dips into the twenties and thirties.

I did try my best to avoid pants again this time. I bought a bunch of long skirts with wide waist bands that can be worn after pregnancy and paired them with super soft leggings. When the temperature dipped this past week I decided this solution might not be practical. To put it mildly I was ridiculously cold.

So I shelled out some money and tried a few different brands only to find that none of them fit. I wasn’t willing to spend $45 for a pair of pants that sagged in the back or that I constantly found myself tugging on. After trying every type of tall pants from every company I could think of I gave up.

I place them all in boxes, applied shipping labels, dropped them off at UPS and drove to Ross. Of course, Ross doesn’t sell tall maternity pants, but they do sell maternity pants for less than $15. I bought two pairs of the longest ones I could find. (By the way they fit better than all of the other brands combined.) They are not even close to being long enough, but I decided my best option might be to buy a pair of comfortable black boots that can hide that flaw.

When I’m out and about no one will know that the pants inside my boots are too short and when I get home I’ll wear thick, tall, warm socks to keep me warm.

The best thing about buying boots is that I can wear them during my pregnancy and after the baby is born. Now the question is whether or not I can find a pair of comfortable boots with little to no heels. Hmmm…

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5 thoughts on “Maternity Clothes: Dreading Winter”

    • Many of the tall stores seem to be overseas in England. If the clothes don’t fit then I have to pay shipping both ways. Also the prices are higher there and the dollar is worth less, so it’s a general lose, lose situation for me. I tried the major companies in the US that make tall pants without success. Since it’s a short term problem, it’s not the worst thing in the world. Plus it’ll help me focus on losing weight once the new one arrives šŸ™‚

  1. I also had a hard time finding maternity clothes that fit but for the opposite reason as you, I’m only 5’1″! But yeah, maternity clothes are not very comfortable but I work in a professional office I had to buy dress pants. Also, I live in Canada so yeah, dresses don’t usually work for me in the winter (also I hate tights with a passion!) I definitely think I would have an easier time with this over spring summer but what can we do?


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