My Gift Journal and a $50 Giveaway from NOVICA

Ten years ago I began a gift journal. At it’s very core the journal includes every item I’ve received over the past decade. I write down the name of the person who provided the gift and the item I received. I started the journal for two reasons. First, it was an excellent way to keep track of the thank you notes I needed to write. I kept a little area in the left hand margin where I could write a check mark when notes were complete. Second, it helped me feel grateful and thankful for everything I received.

In the blur of opening birthday or Christmas presents it’s easy to lose track of what you receive and who gave it to you. We often head to the beach on the day after Christmas so Christmas night becomes a blur of washing, folding and packing away all of the items we received. One night after putting everything away I could barely remember what we’d gotten. That very night I started my gift journal as an extension of my gratitude journal.

I now maintain two journals. One includes a list of all of the things my family receives and one contains a list of all of the gifts I’ve purchased for others. The mere act of writing things down helps me think more creatively about my purchases and ensures that I spend a little extra time and energy purchasing gifts for the people I love. Plus reading through a decade’s worth of gifts make me feel grateful for all that I have received and even more blessed for all that I have given.

Every time a birthday or special occasion looms on the calendar I review my past purchases. This helps ensure that I purchase unique gifts year after year. It also makes me realize that I am in need of a few unique ideas.

That’s where NOVICA comes in.  NOVICA works with National Geographic to give talented artisans around the world a place to express their talents and provide access to the world market. They sell a huge range of unique, hand crafted items including beltswomen’s hatswomen’s accessories from Indiaknee length dresses and modern and abstract bracelets.

I’ve bought a number of gifts from NOVICA including beautiful flowered necklaces and pearl drop earrings. Here is one I absolutely love:

If you find an artist who’s work you enjoy you can add them to your list of favorites, search for their creations or even sign up for an RSS feed so you can receive alerts when they create something new. I personally love the work of Busarin. Three of the four items I bought from NOVICA were designed by her.

If you’d like to win a $50 gift certificate to NOVICA feel free to enter the giveaway using the Rafflecopter entry system below. One lucky winner will be selected on Monday, August 13th.

The winner of this prize has been selected and notified.

38 thoughts on “My Gift Journal and a $50 Giveaway from NOVICA”

  1. The best gifts I’ve received are quirky ones that you can’t really find in a store in a mall. Like this owl picture my friend gave me which relates to an inside joke

    Thanks for hosting the giveaway. Novice seems to have some great items, would love to win it

  2. The journals are an excellent idea. I wish I had that years ago. With 7 nieces and nephew I sometimes lose track of who got what for birthdays and christmas.


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