My Hope for the New Year!

This year I’m not making a list of New Year’s resolutions. I know that I need to eat better, cut out soft drinks and lose the excess ten to fifteen pounds I’m carrying around after the birth of my first child. I know I should do a whole bunch of this and whole bunch of that in 2012, but instead of creating a long list of to-dos I’ve decided to focus on one and only one goal for the new year.

I hope to pay greater attention to my life. In essence, I hope to be present in the every day moments that make up my day-to-day existence. My son is only two and a half months old and I already feel like he’s growing up in the blink of an eye.

Every day I plan to write down the days events, but somehow night falls and I realize I still haven’t even written down the details of his birth, which occurred nearly eleven weeks ago. I am blessed with a very loving husband and a decent severance check, which enable me to stay home with my little boy.

I want to make every second of his young life count. I want to watch the world through his eyes. When we take him to the beach I want to hear the crashing waves as though I’m hearing them for the very first time. His first afternoon blowing bubbles, the first time he really looks at the pages of the storybooks we read. I want to live in these moments, because in no time at all they will feel like distant memories.

This year my only and only resolution is to be present in the moment. Whether that’s time spent with my son or with friends and family I really want to stop rushing around and really embrace this amazing life I am fortunate enough to live! I think it’s less of a resolution than a hope. The hope that I can count my blessings and relish the time we have to spend together.

2 thoughts on “My Hope for the New Year!”

  1. If you need some motivation to lose those last 10-15 pounds, i Hope you consider joining my 10-pound challenge on January 9th. There will be 6 prizes including $50, $25, and an ipod shuffle, among others. Even if you don't win, you still may lose some weight. and if you do lose weight, you may win! So you can't lose! ok enough with the play on words…hope you consider it ; ) the post goes live jan. 9th.

  2. You will lose the weight when you're ready. My wife gave birth to two kids and she lost the weight gradually. She says doing it slow is your insurance for keeping it off. I wouldn't know 😉 But, I hope this year leads to good things for you and your family.


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