For as long as I can remember I have loved books and novels. When I was just two years old my mom used a series of Sesame Street flash cards to teach me to read. It’s strange, but to this day I can picture some of those images, like the picture of Grover holding a plate of spaghetti in front of an open door. The word ‘open’ written in large, black font beneath the image.
My mom took me to the library on Sunday afternoons and I remember walking through isles and isles of books so I could pick out the ones with the most colorful jackets. She’s always tell me to pick four or five to bring home, but I’d always ask to bring home at least six or seven.
In high school I read often and in college I took all of the literature courses that required extra reading. While my classmates sat through poetry seminars, I enrolled in the History of the Novel, a course which required me to read fourteen novels and write upteen papers in a semester.
I suppose I was a glutton for punishment, but really I just couldn’t resist the urge to read a good novel. Years after I graduated I would go to the University bookstore and find reading lists for literature courses that sounded interesting. I’d fill my arms with so many books I could barely carry them to the register.
I’ve donated a ton of books to the local library and sold a bunch through various cash back sites, but somehow I still find myself looking at stacks of non-fiction books and best-selling novels. I have a bunch of personal finance books I plan to read and review for One Frugal Girl and a whole stack of books I’d just like to read for pleasure.
Despite a stack of fifteen books stockpiled books on the corner table, I caught myself buying a used book earlier this week. A reader on a previous post suggested I read Bitter is the New Black and I couldn’t resist the cheap price on eBay.
When I mentioned this problem to a coworker of mine, she told me she has the exact same issue. She said she’s always carries a half-read book in her purse and constantly finds herself buying new novels.
I’m not sure why I can’t seem to break the habit. I know it’s not the worst habit to have and I know that I’ll eventually finish all the books on the shelf, but I wonder… what makes the purchase of a book so irresistible?
I’m right there with you! I have shelf upon shelf of books in my 2 bedroom condo occupied by myself, the wife, and my two sons. She can’t wait to pitch them, but I always seem to pick one up when the time is ‘right’. If I might recommend for leisure, I really love ‘Stories from a Ming Collection’ which was from a class in college. The stories are terrific and teach some sound lessons in life.
At any rate, I have the same issue of buying book after book. Eventually, they do get read, but I’ve also taken it to the audiobook level with a membership at Even if I’m not reading hardcopy, I find myself listening to a book on my Zen.
Of all the quirky addications, I think reading is one that I’m very happy to have. No matter the book’s topic, I always seem to glean something new and useful from the pages. Bottom line: it’s a helluvalot better than television!
I also love books, but I only buy the ones I absolutely LOVE and will re-read over and over again. I move every year or so (for the past 6 years)–so that’s probably why I got into that habit.
the library is my best friend! It’s really too bad that the NZ library is not very well-stocked. 🙁
I love to read. But having mostly lived in apartments, and having moved a gazillion times — seriously, i counted something close to 20 in the last 11 years and I’ve been at my current place for nearly four years — I got tired of schlepping books around. It was physically painful for me to get rid of books, but I did it.
And I’m so glad I did! I miss them at times, but I don’t reread books, with a couple of notable exceptions. So now I just borrow from the library. I save a bundle (even counting the fact that I used to buy mostly books from the semi-annual library sales). I keep myself honest by having very little room for books.
The allure of a book is simple, though: It’s a new tale, with characters you haven’t met yet. And it promises to scoot you away from reality (which is increasingly attractive these days). How can anyone resist?
You and your co-worker friend should find other reading enthusiasts and do like a book swap. A bunch of people here at my job do that, there’s always books out for others to read. Could help $$$ Wise.
They’re so irresistible because they are so wonderful! I use BookMooch and the library to keep book spending at bay.
I have a 5 shelf book case, a 2 shelf bookcase, and 2 shelves on another- all 3 feet wide and I still have books overflowing.
You have to- HAVE TO- check out Love the site- you ship off the books that you don’t want anymore and can order books that you DO want. No cost, except for mailing the books. You’ll get free credits just for posting books. I love being able to log onto the site, order or wish list a book that I want to read and then it magically appears in my mailbox! I also love that there isn’t really money changing hands- I like the general idea of the barter system. Happy reading!
“Years after I graduated I would go to the University bookstore and find reading lists for literature courses that sounded interesting.”
I do this, too! My fiance makes fun of me, but I absolutely love a trip to the course materials any time we find ourselves on campus. I’m so glad to know there is someone like me out there…
I also read voraciously, and would happily buy out shelves of books, but I only have room for ONE bookshelf in my apartment. I also love to reread old favorites, so I try to only buy books that I will read more than twice. My main policy to keep things in check is to only buy a new book to read if I have no unread new books, including borrowed books and library books. I never buy a book by a new author until I’ve borrowed and read one from someone or a library first, because I may hate them, and that would take up precious book space. Favorite authors though, are happily bought up at once.
Generally I find that by limiting my trips to the bookstore to when I don’t actually have anything to read, I only buy what I can carry, and never have more than a few unread books sitting around.
I suppose there are worse habits to have. There was a time that I had a nasty habit of buying shoes. I know. I’m a guy. This is unusual, right? Well, I’m a fan of quality men’s shoes. Now, I buy them on ebay and discount and thrift stores. I still get what I like but it still leads me to save some money. There’s no insurance for impulse buying but if you can replace it with something similar that doesn’t have as much of an impact I think it’s a little better.
A co-worker and I used to regularly ban ourselves from Barnes and Noble near where we worked. We both knew that when we walked in the door, we would walk out with at least one book that we didn’t intend to purchase when we walked in the door.