$50 NOVICA Giveaway: Spreading Holiday Cheer

NOVICA giveaway

If you feel down in the dumps this holiday season, you have every right to feel that way. 2020 stinks! Unfortunately, I can’t make all of your holidays brighter, but I can cheer up one reader with a special $50 NOVICA giveaway!

I hope this contest will help spread the holiday joy and give one of you something to look forward to.

NOVICA Giveaway

On November 7th, I crawled into the storage spaces in our house and retrieved our Christmas decorations. We don’t usually decorate this early, but 2020 has been rough for lots of reasons. This year, as the nights are getting longer and the weather keeps getting colder, I didn’t want to wait.

I figured it was time to turn on those twinkly lights and bring some joy into this quiet house of ours. So I dragged out the tiny fake Christmas trees, Santa Claus figurines, and snow globes.

Then the boys hung ornaments on the branches and long strands of lights. The neighbors may have been shaking their heads as they watched us line the front walkway with colorful bulbs, but I didn’t care. Let’s find any way possible to bring on the cheer.

NOVICA understands the need to provide a little extra cheer this year. To brighten the mood this holiday season, they will provide a $50 gift code to one lucky reader. Read on to find out more.


If you aren’t familiar with NOVICA, let me give you some details about this unique online marketplace.

NOVICA provides talented artisans around the world with a place to sell their handmade goods. Viewing the NOVICA website isn’t like browsing Amazon or Target. This magical store provides unique, handcrafted items you won’t find elsewhere.

I started shopping at NOVICA in 2012, and every year I find unique treasures for friends, family members, and myself. Over the years, I’ve purchased artwork, rings, necklaces, earrings, scarves, nativity scenes, and even hammocks.


I shop at NOVICA because they give back to artisans and the world at large. In 2015, NOVICA partnered with National Geographic to launch the UNICEF Market.

UNICEF provides clean water, sanitation, nutrition, food security, immunization, education, schools, and disaster relief worldwide.

UNICEF’s mission is to save and protect the world’s most vulnerable children, and to date, they have helped save more children’s lives than any other humanitarian organization!

As you can see, NOVICA isn’t just an ordinary, big-name store. NOVICA has a mission to help others, and what better way to give back this year than buying goods that directly benefit others.

Supporting Artists

As you can tell, I hold a special place in my heart for this store, so imagine my excitement when NOVICA reached out with the offer to host a giveaway here.

A NOVICA representative reached out with an email that began, “As lives and livelihoods have changed this year, we have renewed our belief that a better world begins with simply looking after each other.”

I couldn’t agree more! Through NOVICA, artisans around the world can sell incredible handmade creations to support themselves and their families. During this crisis, many artists have also turned their talents to making cloth masks with bright fabrics, colors, designs, and inspired messages.

If you need a new face mask, check out the NOVICA face mask page.

NOVICA Jewelry

NOVICA jewelry

If you don’t need a face mask there are plenty of other categories to choose from. I can spend hours clicking through the brightly colored pages of NOVICA’s website.

I tend to get lost in the jewelry sections. Over the years, I’ve bought more rings, necklaces, and earrings for friends and family members then I can count.

I often buy multiple items from the same artist. If you find a particular item you like, click on the artist’s name and then click “View Full Collection.” This will display all items made by a particular artist.

I have a couple of favorite artists. Busarin is at the top of that list. She creates feminine, flowery jewelry I adore. I’ve purchased three pieces from this collection.


NOVICA fingerless gloves

I’m also madly in love with NOVICA’s fingerless gloves. When my boys were small, I found it nearly impossible to fill their snack cups and water bottles while we were out on winter walks.

It’s so difficult to perform everyday tasks with regular gloves on. When my oldest was a toddler, I stumbled upon fingerless gloves, and I haven’t returned to the full-fingered version since. NOVICA has many fingerless options available, including extra-long gloves that provide warmth mid-way up your arms.

NOVICA Hammocks

I’m also a sucker for NOVICA’s extra comfy hammocks. We used to hang one from a set of pine trees in our backyard.

At some point, we had to cut those trees down, and I’ve been searching for the perfect place to hang my hammock ever since.

The Giveaway

Alright, so enough about my favorite things. What would you like to buy if you won this giveaway?

Tell me in the comments below, or tell me anything else.

  • What’s going well this year?
  • What’s going terribly?
  • What are you looking forward to in 2021?
  • You name it.

Just leave me a comment, and you will be entered to win. If you follow me on Twitter or Facebook, let me know that too. You’ll earn an extra entry for either or both of those.

I’ll pick one winner using a random number generator in two weeks! I’ll send the winner a $50 NOVICA gift code to be used for any item they desire. Good luck!

27 thoughts on “$50 NOVICA Giveaway: Spreading Holiday Cheer”

  1. Going well – my investments! I was able switch from extra loan payoffs to investing because the interest on what was left is low enough to not be worth it.

    Going terribly – I’m stilllll dealing with some sort of bone stress injury from running, so I can’t be fully back to it yet 🙁 and Covid…

    2021 – I’m looking forward to hopefully a vaccine 🙂 I want to enjoy the city I pay so much to live in, especially considering I might want to move soon!

    Name it – I don’t have social media so I can’t get those juicy extra points 🙁 but I love your blog posts


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