One More Baby Related Purchase

My husband requested a glider and ottoman for the baby’s room. We were offered rocking chairs from both sets of future grandparents, but my husband really wanted a more comfortable place to rock and read to the baby.

This has been his one and only request for baby gear. I wasn’t so sure we needed to spend a bunch of money on a piece of furniture, but I asked a bunch of moms and they agreed that it’s a super nice amenity to buy if we could afford it.

Since the little one is set to arrive in just a few short weeks we trekked over to Babies-R-Us today to test out some chairs. If we’re spending the money I want to make certain that the furniture is extra comfy.

We wiggled around in a couple of seats and found one that was the perfect height and width for both of us. We settled on a high backed chair that reclines. I dragged along my 20% off coupons, but we still managed to spend over $400.

Of course, I won’t know if the furniture is worth the money until the baby arrives, but we saved a lot on other nursery furniture so I’m not too concerned about the additional expense.

I do believe this is the final big purchase before the little one arrives. If we need anything else we’ll just have to wait until after the bundle of joy makes his or her appearance. I have a feeling we’ll realize we wasted money on some things along the way, but being first time parents I think that’s probably to be expected.

3 thoughts on “One More Baby Related Purchase”

  1. We splurged on the perfect rocker/glider for our first baby and have not for a single moment regretted it. Happy Rocking!

  2. A glider sounds like the piece of furniture I'd want if I were expecting. A belated congratulations on your baby.

  3. @DFWKnitter – Thanks for letting me know. I really hope it's a worthwhile purchase!

    @Well Heeled Blog – Thanks for the congrats. It's not belated yet, since the little one is set to arrive in late October šŸ™‚


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