You know you’re frugal when…

I have done a lot of frugal things in my day, but today made me realize just how frugal I am. I was filling my car up with gas when I dropped a nickel out of my hand. The nickel rolled behind my leg and underneath the car. I stooped down and reached around but … Read more

Ebates Savings up to $377.61

So I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again… I am a huge fan of ebates. I’ve been using their website since December 2002 and to date I’ve received $377.61 in cash back savings. From time to time I’ll head over to fatwallet for comparisons, but pound for pound I think ebates has better … Read more

How Does Your Salary Compare?

Parade Magazine, (the insert in the Washington Post), has a couple of interesting articles this weekend, included under the heading What People Earn. The first article: How Did You Do? compares the salaries of every day people against celebrities, politicians, and athletes. In addition it provides some interesting comments about the average workers perception of … Read more

Plunking Down Money at IKEA

How did I end up plunking down nearly $1000 at IKEA this evening? Hmmm, it all started six years ago when my husband adopted two small kittens from the Washington Humane Society. Those two adorable cats have managed to scratch the fabric off of every chair, couch, and cushion in our home. Oh, there are … Read more

My First eBay Sale

A few weeks ago I received a first time sellers offer from ebay. Essentially they lured me into the underworld of online selling, by allowing me to list three items free of charge. If you’ve ever read my previous blog entries you know I don’t keep much clutter in my house. Besides a whole bunch … Read more

Where oh, where, oh where, have I been?

I have no idea why it’s taken me so long to get back to blogging. My husband and I have been busy preparing our taxes and cleaning our beach house in preparation for the rental season. Work has been crazy busy, with word of layoffs, a shrinking staff, and more work to do than ever. … Read more

Working on the Taxes

I’ve spent the last two days reviewing the tax forms my husband filled out. I will write more about my findings tomorrow.

ACC Tournament Tickets

It’s been awhile since I last left a post, and in response to an anonymous reader’s question I am happy to report that I am still alive. My husband and I headed down to the ACC tournament in Tampa to watch my favorite Terrapin team get beaten by Miami. I am a HUGE fan of … Read more

Two Interesting Washington Post Articles

There were two interesting articles in the Sunday edition of the Washington Post. The first: Sudden Overload discusses the large number of mortgages adjusting upwards as borrowers of interest only mortgages as payments of principal become due. The second: A Horror Movie For Our Times discusses a new documentary and companion book, which focuses on … Read more

Braided Barrettes: A Return to the 80s

My mom must have made 20 sets of braided barrettes when I was a kid. I had every color combination you could think of. I wore those barrettes just about every day of the 2nd and 3rd grade. I know I have an old pair of these somewhere, but I searched my house and my … Read more