Retirement without the Magic Number?

My father retired from his job at the age of 55, without a magic retirement number. He was offered a high-paying but temporary job, realized he had enough years to claim full pension benefits from the job he’d worked for nearly 30 years, and retired. When the high-paying, contracting job, ended two years later he … Read more

The New Purchase that Made an Old Lady Smile

This afternoon my husband and I purchased a 40 inch LCD TV. After a couple of rebates, the cost of the TV, installation, and mounting devices came to a little over $2000. My husband and I delivered the TV to my grandmother who was as giddy as a school girl. In thirty years, I’m not … Read more

Three purchases that will ultimately save you money

I’ve written numerous blog postings about the simplest ways to save money. In looking back over my postings one theme certainly seems to stand out against all others. In essence, if you want to save money, eat breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks at home. Buying bulk chicken, pasta, rice, and some greens, can save you … Read more

What to Say When Someone Asks How Much You Make

What to Say When Someone Asks How Much You Make

What do you say when someone asks how much you make? Do you tell them? The topic of income is usually taboo, but I bet almost everyone has been asked about their salary at least once. In college, my friends and I talked openly and honestly about money. We discussed increasing book costs, rent, and … Read more

Statistics: Women & Work

I captured the following statistics from a recent Real Simple article currently on news stands. Surely, we know that women don’t all work 9-5 jobs, but I found the following numbers pretty interesting: 15% of women work at home 32% of women work part time. 28% of women age 25 – 64 stay home. 46% … Read more

A Simple List to Help You Save Money

The following is a list of simple changes I’ve made over the last year to save money. I hope you are inspired by at least one of these suggestions. Convince your friends to eat in. Potlucks will save you a great deal of money. Unlike a restaurant there is no need to eat and run. … Read more

The Relationship between Money and Happiness

There is a fundamental human desire to want more. When you get a 3% raise, you wish you’d gotten 5%, but if you’d gotten a 5% raise you’d be disappointed that it wasn’t 8%. Social scientists have been studying the relationship between money and happiness for decades. But the truth is money will not make … Read more

In need of a raise… Give yourself one

In 2007 the cost of my medical and dental plans increased. I also signed up for employer-sponsored life insurance, (when I realized no other insurance company would approve me). I knew the costs would take a bite out of my paycheck, but I didn’t want to see my bi-weekly number dwindle. In an effort to … Read more

Financial Questions for Husbands & Wives

The following is a list of financial questions that my husband and I regularly discuss. These questions help us focus on our goals and ensure that we are both on the same financial page. What is our monthly take home income? This can differ for my husband who gets paid by the hour. How much … Read more