More secrets of happy people

As I mentioned in my previous posting, I bought this book called the “100 Simple Secrets of Happy People.” Not surprisingly only two of the one hundred secrets directly mentioned money. And both declared that money would not buy you happiness. There are two other secrets of happiness listed in the book which indirectly involve … Read more

Secrets of Happy People: Don’t involve money?

I bought a book in Hallmark, called “The 100 Secrets of Happy People.” It’s a little 190 page book with a yellow smiley face on the cover. Originally priced at $12.95 it was on sale for only $2.50, a bargain too good to pass up. According to the author, the book is based on numerous … Read more

Facts: Cheap in America?

There was a great show on 20/20 tonight called “Cheap in America.” The show detailed a lot of facts about exactly who gives money to charity. The following is a list of my favorite facts: In 25 states where people give an above average percent of their income, 24 were red states in the last … Read more

Conforming Loan Limit may remain at $417,000

Tomorrow, November 28th, the Federal Housing Finance Board (FHFB) will publish it’s Monthly Interest Rate Survey, which documents the change in mean home price. The Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight, (OFHEO), will utilize the information gathered by the FHFB from October 2005 until October 2006 to determine the 2007 conforming loan limit. Any mortgage … Read more

How to Find the Best Deals Online

I’ve purchased most of my Christmas presents already. I’m not giving many traditional presents this year so most of my shopping hasn’t involved entering the mall. I bought savings bonds for my niece and nephew and NCAA basketball tickets for my dad and brother. I have absolutely no idea what to buy my husband but … Read more

Wrapping up Christmas Shopping

Here is the list of items I purchased for Christmas so far this year. I have yet to enter a shopping mall. Hooray! Dad — Season Basketball TicketsMom — Supersoft Robe (from — Season Basketball TicketsSister-in-law — Bracelet (from — $500 savings bond (she’ll only get a bond this big the first year)Nephew … Read more

Not sure what to give for Christmas, get a little gift advice…

I came across the website eons ago. I’m not sure how I found it, but I have been using it ever since. enables you to search for gift ideas based on various criteria. It provides standard searches like searching by occasion (birthdays, baptisms, holidays, weddings, retirements) or by recipient (brother, father, teacher, new … Read more

Giving Thanks

Earlier in the week I wasn’t feeling so thankful. I received news on Monday that the recovery from my medical procedure is going to take even longer than expected. It seems if 99% of the population does not have a problem, I fall into the 1% of all people who will. This reoccuring theme is … Read more

Inspiration for the start of the work week

I came across this list of leadership observations from Raytheon CEO Bill Swanson and couldn’t resist sharing them. You’ll nod your head at many, chuckle at a couple, and find inspiration in a few. It is easier to get into something than to get out of it. If you are not criticized, you may not … Read more

Great Gift Idea: The Modern Piggy Bank

I have a silver piggy bank my father gave me when I was little girl. To this day I still keep my spare change inside it’s belly. I was searching for a piggy bank to buy my nephew and came across this one. It helps you teach your children how to save, spend, donate and … Read more