Arguing over a $2 coupon

I’ve shopped at CVS a lot over the past year and a half. Whenever I go inside to purchase subscriptions, which I’ve done many times, I inevitably wind up buying a number of other unexpected items. I usually get caught up at the magazine rack, ’cause as everyone knows, the prescription is never ready in … Read more

Where have all the ‘ranchers’ gone?

I grew up in a tiny three bedroom rancher. Back then, the rancher was the staple of the neighborhood. Two story houses weren’t built until about ten years after my parents moved in. Of course, as a child, I don’t remember thinking the house was small. All of my friends lived in ranchers in the … Read more

A blogger’s comment: Leads to a little financial history

A comment from a reader yesterday sparked this blog entry. 2million asked: “can you shed some light on you and your husband’s occupations/levels of income? When did you both start working? How long have you owned your 1st home?” So here are a few details.I graduated in 1999, my husband, (whom I met in college), … Read more

Making the Work Week Less Stressful

I was watching Food TV one lazy Sunday afternoon a long time ago and came across a story about a woman who had opened a store that would allow you to create pre-prepared frozen meals. The business owner of the store used to make a week’s worth of dinners every Sunday afternoon. That way her … Read more

Just called to ‘Opt out of Pre-Approved Credit Offers’

Yesterday I posted an article about whether or not I should purchase identity theft insurance and/or pay for credit monitoring services. Knowzy, a very helpful reader, left a comment with links to a whole bunch of interesting information on the subject. Many of the links discuss things you can do to prevent identity theft. Among … Read more

Article: 25 Rules to Grow Rich By has a great run through of the 25 Rules to Grow Rich By. The article discusses the best home improvements for your money, when to refinance your mortgage, how much life insurance one needs, and how much to invest in stock and company stock, just to name a few. I think my favorite rule … Read more

Is Identity Theft Insurance Worth the Money?

Do any of you currently pay for credit monitoring or identity theft insurance? The agent through which we purchase homeowner’s insurance recently suggested that we sign up for an identity theft insurance policy. I looked into the insurance and found that for $120 a year it covers up to “$25,000 for reimbursement of the many … Read more

I’m not a good grocery store shopper

I haven’t gone to the grocery store in quite awhile. My reasoning: partly to save money, partly because I dread the grocery store. I’m not a good grocery store shopper. I’ve tried all sorts of techniques to get me in and out of the store without overspending. My favorite technique is using the hand basket … Read more

Including Pennies in my Net Worth…

At the end of every month I add up the money in all of our brokerage accounts, IRAs and 401(k)s. I use these figures, plus our liabilities, to create an in depth glimpse into our overall net worth. In addition to the big numbers in these accounts which run anywhere from $1,000+ to $200,000+ I … Read more