Money, Lies, & Relationships

My husband and I have always been open and honest about money matters. That honesty became more important after we bought our first house. At the time I made about $40,000 a year. He was bringing in well over $80,000.   We weren’t married at that time, so we wrote up a lengthy document detailing … Read more

Buy Bonds NOT Toys

When my nephew was born a little over two years ago I bought a $500 savings bond as his Christmas gift. He was about six months old at the time and I figured he wouldn’t be able to distinguish a gift from it’s package. So I made the conscious decision to spend my money on … Read more

Don’t discount your benefits

I work 37.5 hours a week for a total of 1950 hours a year.At $100,000 a year I make $51.28 an hour. Now figure in the 11 federal holidays and 4 1/2 weeks of vacation.And that $51.28 an hour changes to $59.00 an hour. Now add in my employer’s 401(k) match of $3000.00, a $5,000 … Read more

Plan how to live in retirement, don’t just plan how to pay for it.

This month’s ‘Real Simple’ magazine had a great article from the editors of ‘Money’ called Life, Act II. The article discusses four lessons one should consider when planning for retirement. #1: Figure out what you enjoy — Write down seven occasions when you were particularly happy. What about these events made you happy? Were you … Read more

What do you do when your jobs going nowhere?

A week or two ago my company announced that it would be shipping a whole bunch of us, (probably 100+ people), out of DC and into the suburbs of VA. The drive will add about thirty to forty minutes to just about everyone’s commute. Some people up and quit on the spot. Going in search … Read more

Last night’s dream

So I realized that I think about money way to often when I had a dream about it last night. Here’s the dream:I had gone back to college for some type of reunion. All of the people that lived in my old dorm were there and we had to line up in order of net … Read more

Paycheck differences: Roth 401(k) vs. 401(k)

I ran a whole bunch of calculations between the standard 401(k) and the Roth 401(k), before ultimately deciding to put the whole kitten caboodle, 15% of my paycheck, into the Roth option. (You can see an earlier posting for more information on my Roth decision.) I called Fidelity a few weeks ago and last Friday … Read more

Frugal Tips to throwing a Baby Shower…

My husband pointed out that I haven’t updated my blog in quite a long, long time. (May 8th to be exact.) That’s because I started back to work on May 2nd and have actually been spending time as a productive member of society again. I’ve also been spending my non-working hours making things for an … Read more

A very cool retirement projection calculator

Ask the Expert, Walter Updegrave, from has a great answer to a question from a 33 year old reader wondering about early retirement. In essence the reader wants to know if he can retire by age 55. The article contains a link to a great projection calculator that determines just how much income an … Read more

My return to the working world…

Where oh where have I been. I just realized it’s been over a week since I last posted. Well it seems after sitting at home attempting to recover from surgery and illness that I have finally returned to the working world. I am not really feeling well enough to return to work. But I thought … Read more