Saving grocery money by buying gift cards?

So I’ve been reading a lot of articles lately that talk about ways to save money. I have read over and over again that I should create a budget for myself then create envelopes for each category of spending such as groceries, clothing, gasoline, etc. Financial experts recommend depositing budgeted money into these envelopes. That … Read more

Cost of a new bathroom… $3,545.74 so far

We are currently remodeling a small bathroom in our house. As with any project you estimate the cost, then buy the parts, pay for the labor and determine how close the two figures match one another. If we’re lucky it looks like we might only go over budget by about $600. In order to cut … Read more

What to do with unwanted bridesmaid dresses…

So last year one of my closest friends set a date and decided to get married. She asked four of us to become her bridesmaids, and we went ahead and ordered chiffon gowns in the glorious shade of party pink. The dresses were fairly pricey. I think mine cost $250. But of course money is … Read more

An attempt to save pennies cost me $3.25

This is one of those penny pinching moments when I wish I wasn’t such a cheapskate. I went to the grocery store near my house to load up on frozen chicken breasts. I like the thinly sliced ones. I know they cost more, but it saves me from having to pound out the chicken before … Read more

Should I ditch my traditional 401(k) for the Roth 401(k)?

So it looks like my employer will be offering the new Roth 401(k) sometime this spring. Should I ditch my traditional 401(k) for the new Roth 401(k)? As always before making a financial decision I turned to the trusty Internet for answers. Most of the articles I came across suggest that I am better off … Read more

Spent $204.99 at the drop of a hat

So after physical therapy today, which costs me $135 a visit, I decided to go to the mall to return something I bought for my husband. But somehow I ended up spending $69.99 on jeans, DVDs, and lunch. This is why I don’t go to the mall. I had been dreading returning the item I … Read more

Ten mistakes new parents make

I feel like I’m all over the map with my postings. There is so much going on these days. I’m getting ready to return to work, planning baby showers, and visiting my brand new baby niece. This posting has brought me back to the topic of finances and babies… Anyway I came across an article … Read more

Why am I in such a hurry… to retire

When I was in college my best friend and roommate used to say, “I can’t wait to be a grandmother.” I always thought that was the strangest comment to come out of the mouth of an eighteen year old. I remember laughing and saying, “what about the forty years in between now and then?” After … Read more

2006 Outer Banks Vacation Rentals Look Solid

If all goes well it looks like our beach house in NC might already be booked eleven weeks this summer. The ranges in weekly rental prices vary from $1,200 early and late in the summer to $2,275 during the peak weeks. Some summers have been better than others for the outer banks but this year … Read more

Alternative medicine costs more but is it worth it?

So after a year long trauma of medical events including a pulmonary embolism and surgery to remove my first, left rib. I have still not completely healed. In an attempt to get better I contacted an acupuncturist and made my first appointment. I have been to a cardiologist, a pulmonologist, a primary care physician, had … Read more