Saved Over $1000 on Groceries So Far This Year

This year I clipped coupons like crazy and tried my best to match them to weekly sales. At the very least I managed to save 20 to 25% of my bill and on a very few, special occasions I saved a whopping 50 to 60%.

According to my credit card statements I spent a total of $2462.63 at Giant this year and saved a whopping $1061.85! I cannot believe that one little coupon here and one little coupon there added up to such significant savings.

On average I tend to spend between $200 and $300 on groceries each month. Ninety-nine percent of the time I shop exclusively at Giant because it’s close to our home and simply the most convenient option. In fact, according to my credit card statement I only shopped at Whole Foods and Balducci’s three times this entire year. I also shopped at Harris Teeter a couple of times while we were in North Carolina, but those numbers aren’t included in this calculation either.

I only purchase food and food-related items from the grocery store. I purchase cleaning products and personal hygiene products like soap, shampoo, toothpaste, etc from Rite Aid and CVS and truth be told I attain most of those products for free by purchasing items on sale with coupons.

Because I only purchase food items from the grocery store I maintain two completely separate coupon binders. The first contains food related coupons and the second includes coupons for just about everything else. Both are with me or in my car at nearly all times. That way whenever I need to stop off at the grocery store without them.

The simple act of dragging them along has significantly added to my overall savings this year. In fact, when I stopped off at the store without them by accident earlier last month I refused to buy anything but the one item I truly needed.

It’s a bit neurotic, I will certainly admit, but that neurosis has certainly led to hitting the $1000 milestone. I can’t believe I managed to save $1000!

10 thoughts on “Saved Over $1000 on Groceries So Far This Year”

  1. I have become the same way this year….not buying if I forget the coupons, unless I really REALLY need the grocery item. I was suppose to make enchiladas this week but didn't have tortillas. I had no coupons for them and none of the brands were even on sale….so I didn't buy any. I used burritos I had already made up and had in the
    That $1 here, $1 there in coupon savings DO add up in the long run!!
    Congrats on your savings. 8-))

  2. Thank you very much for this wonderful resource!
    I love saving money, but i also love spending money, so it's a catch22. The more coupons, freebies, and hot deals i can find, the better off i'll be.

  3. I rarely splurge and buy ANYthing without a coupon! I love coupons! There is so much to be had for free, when you learn how to use them effectively.

    Nice savings!

  4. I rarely splurge and buy ANYthing without a coupon! I love coupons! There is so much to be had for free, when you learn how to use them effectively.

    Nice savings!

  5. I rarely splurge and buy ANYthing without a coupon! I love coupons! There is so much to be had for free, when you learn how to use them effectively.

    Nice savings!

  6. I rarely splurge and buy ANYthing without a coupon! I love coupons! There is so much to be had for free, when you learn how to use them effectively.

    Nice savings!

  7. I rarely splurge and buy ANYthing without a coupon! I love coupons! There is so much to be had for free, when you learn how to use them effectively.

    Nice savings!

  8. I rarely splurge and buy ANYthing without a coupon! I love coupons! There is so much to be had for free, when you learn how to use them effectively.

    Nice savings!

  9. I rarely splurge and buy ANYthing without a coupon! I love coupons! There is so much to be had for free, when you learn how to use them effectively.

    Nice savings!

  10. I rarely splurge and buy ANYthing without a coupon! I love coupons! There is so much to be had for free, when you learn how to use them effectively.

    Nice savings!


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