Simply Annoyed


In just a few days my family will leave for our annual beach vacation. We take two major trips to the beach each year; one that marks the start of summer and one that marks the end of it. I’m in charge of figuring out everything we might need, packing it up and more often than not trekking it out the car.

As my three year old is constantly growing I decided to order new pajamas for our trip. I walked into a children’s store and walked out with two new sets pajamas. For some silly reason I decided to search for a few similar sets online and noticed that the price was $4 less for the exact same pair I purchased just a few hours earlier.

The store is nearly an hour away from my house, so it certainly doesn’t seem worth a round trip that would save me less than $10. I know this is not a ton of money, but it still irks me.

Today I encountered a similarly frustrating scenario. I bought a pair of blue water shoes online for my son. I didn’t notice that the shoes came in multiple colors and simply purchased the color displayed on the screen. The next day I decided to buy a second pair, (my son isn’t a fan of putting on cold, wet shoes), and discovered that any color other than blue was at least $7 less. Ugh.

I know these types of things won’t make or break me. In the big scheme of life it is only $7 here and $8 there, but I’m still super annoyed because I feel like both scenarios could have been prevented.

In the first case I could have searched online before buying the pajamas in store. In the second case I could have searched for various options and compared prices before pushing the checkout button.


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