With the help of some weekly coupons and the Rite Aid circular I managed to save $14.98 on a purchase that would have otherwise cost $24.84. That’s over 60% saved!
I bought personal care products, dishwasher detergent, and plastic sandwich bags. On any other day of the week the total would have been $24.84, but each item I purchased was already on sale, automatically saving me $6.88. Add to that a total of $4.50 in coupon savings from the Rite Aid circular and the Washington Post, plus $3.50 in Single Check Rite Aid Rebates. Leaving my grand total at only: $9.96. (not including tax)
I’m usually good about clipping coupons, but more often than not I allow them to expire before using them. I guess I just haven’t found a good way to organize them in such a way that I can find the ones I’m looking for when I head out to the store.
This time I actually attempted to organize my trip before I ever left home. I circled all of the items in the Rite Aid sales ad and cut out all the coupons I could find associated with the sale items. By the time I arrived in Rite Aid I knew exactly what I was looking for, but I did get distracted by signs for the Rite Aid Single Check Rebates. Next time I’ll have to remember to look at the available rebates before heading out to the store.
I am a huge fan of coupons. I really see the benefit in taking the time to cut and clip! Look at your 60% savings! Good work!
I avidly use coupons. For sure it’s quite a task if you don’t know the easy way about it. I use the Grocery Game for the sales list, which breaks down the savings and tracks sales trends. All you really do is file the inserts by date and when you see some things on the list that you need, then you clip. It makes a huge difference in savings if you also stockpile things. This week I picked up a big bag of chips for free, a nice razor for free, some free pasta, some free Special K20 protein water and more stuff I forget.
Rite Aid is not one of the stores you can get a list for on GG. But CVS, if you have one near you, is definitely on the list and a favourite of couponers as you get 2% back for all purchases with the Easy Care program. I average about 78% savings with the list, but I also stockpile too. There are always things you can pick up for free as well that you might otherwise miss if only examining the circulars.
78% savings is incredible! I have not tried the grocery game yet, but a number of people have told me they’ve saved hundreds of dollars using it. It looks like I can test drive the site for only $1 so I’ll probably give it a whirl. Just last week I found a link to the free site http://www.mygrocerydeals.com. I found a lot of helpful coupons there.