The Best $59 I’ve Ever Spent!

Have you ever dreamed about spending money? Have you ever wanted something so badly that the thought of it pops into your head at random times when you least expect it? While it may seem strange, I must admit that I’ve been dreaming about remodeling the bathrooms in my 50+ year old home since the day I purchased it.

While my husband and I talk about this goal at length, we ultimately decided to postpone it. As is so often the case, other, more important goals take precedence and so the bathrooms sit and wait to be remodeled. I’m thankful we’ve waited to fix them and yet I still find myself dreaming about the day they are fixed.

To be perfectly honest I am so disgusted by the bathrooms that I simply don’t want to clean them. They weren’t particularly clean when we moved in and they’ve accumulated more and more grime over the years.

One Saturday afternoon I tried scrubbing in between the tiles with an old toothbrush, but I gave up when I didn’t see a remarkable difference. I knew they could be cleaned, I just didn’t want to spend an afternoon on my hands and knees scrubbing. That’s when I first considered hiring a cleaning crew. (Not very frugal of me, but true nonetheless.)

As fate would have it, I received an email on a collective buying site a week later offering $59 for $145 worth of professional cleaning services. I pulled out my credit card and purchased the deal immediately.

Today two young women showed up to my house ready to clean. I’ve never hired a cleaning service before so I have no idea how much they typically charge or how long they normally take to clean a home from top to bottom. I only know that for $59 these two women spent nearly three hours scrubbing every nook and cranny in the top two floors of my home. (They cleaned everything but my basement.) They arrived sometime after one o’clock and stayed until nearly four. They spent nearly two hours just cleaning the bathrooms!

I am so happy I paid for cleaning services. In fact, I can’t think of a purchase of roughly the same amount that could have made me any happier. My floors are shiny, my appliances sparkle and most amazingly my bathtub looks nearly brand new. I don’t think cleaning will get me over the itch to remodel, but it certainly can’t hurt!

4 thoughts on “The Best $59 I’ve Ever Spent!”

  1. Every couple of months I have someone come to clean. It's definitely a splurge, but it's so worth it in the end. When everything is clean, I just feel so much better. I wish it only cost $59!

  2. That was truly an excellent deal you got and it will now make future cleanings so much easier.

    I am thinking about getting someone to come do my bathrooms too but the cost where I live is really high and I cannot justify it right now.

  3. I've been flirting with this idea for a while now. I've told my husband once he cleans all of his crap out of the office (so they can reach things like the carpet) we can hire someone every once in a while.


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