The Quiet of a Friday Afternoon

The weather here in Maryland was absolutely beautiful today. Rather than scarfing down my lunch while working at my computer, (which is what I typically do on a Friday afternoon), I decided to pick up something special and eat outside. I’ve been eating homemade sandwiches and salads for weeks now and I was definitely in the mood for something different.

I searched through my wallet and found a gift card to an Italian restaurant that my husband and I received for Christmas. I knew that we’d have a late tonight so I picked up a huge chicken salad sandwich for myself for lunch and two meals that we could heat up later for dinner.

When I got home I piled all of the food for dinner into the fridge and then gathered up my sandwich and a drink and sat out on the back porch to eat. The neighbors are constructing an addition onto their home, so it wasn’t exactly peaceful, but it was nice to sit outside and enjoy the weather while I ate my lunch.

1 thought on “The Quiet of a Friday Afternoon”

  1. I’ve been cooking and freezing meals to have later on in the week. But it’s nice to buy a meal sometimes…


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