Unnecessarily Wasting Money

Sometimes the deal seeking girl in me gets so caught up that she doesn’t consider the bigger picture. Sometimes a short-sighted attempt to save money ends up costing me more than it saves me. Sometimes I find my own actions unbelievably frustrating! Last week was a perfect example.

For starters, a sale on lingerie at Macy’s website caught my eye. I bought a new bra last weekend that I absolutely adore. It’s so comfy and soft that I decided to buy a few more. Due to ongoing medical issues it’s very difficult for me to where a normal bra, (I went years without wearing them), so when I found one that was comfortable I knew I needed to buy a couple more.

The prices online were much cheaper than they were in the store. Not only were the bras deeply discounted, but for every two I purchased I saved an additional $10. I paired this deal with a 20% off coupon and bought each bra, (normally priced at $30), for only $11. The only downside, I had to pay $12 for shipping.

Of course as luck would have it the bras I purchased weren’t exactly the same as the super, comfy one I already own. The straps didn’t adjust exactly the same way, the cup size was ever so slightly different and the fabric on a few were actually a little itchy. Needless to say all of the bras need to be returned.

If the bras had worked out I would’ve saved myself a ton of money, but since they don’t fit I’m actually out $12! I know it’s the nature of buying things on the Internet, but I absolutely hate to pay for shipping and shipping fees cost me more than once last week.

My second frustrating moment… I have a difficult time finding clothes that fit, (particularly coats), but a few years back I found an online clothing store that sells specialty clothing that typically fits me. Last week they held a sale on spring merchandise and I purchased a beautiful purple raincoat I’d been keeping my eye on for weeks. I spent over $15 to have the coat shipped to me.

Unfortunately the coat didn’t fit, which meant I wasted not only $15 to have the item shipped to me, but also $8 to ship it back to the store. So between the $12 at Macy’s and the $23 at this online store I was out $35 in wasted shipping expenses.

I suppose this is just a small reminder of why I do NOT like to shop for clothes on the Internet. I hate thinking that I planned to save a bundle and instead spent $35 and now have nothing to show for it! How frustrating!

4 thoughts on “Unnecessarily Wasting Money”

  1. Can't you return online merchandise to customer service at the store? I know you can for Neiman Marcus and Nordstroms.

  2. I returned the Macy's items at the store, which saved me return shipping, but the other items were purchased from an online store that doesn't have any brick and mortar locations.

  3. If it was a store though and you had to return it. You would have had your time, fuel, parking or public transport. Shipping is generally cheaper than your time. Though you would have notice said ichy material

  4. @Benjamin – Ahhhh, the old time is more valuable than money question. I'm not sure that it makes me feel better about the situation, but it is a good point.


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