Where oh, where, oh where, have I been?

I have no idea why it’s taken me so long to get back to blogging. My husband and I have been busy preparing our taxes and cleaning our beach house in preparation for the rental season. Work has been crazy busy, with word of layoffs, a shrinking staff, and more work to do than ever. But I promise to get back to blogging…. Tomorrow will be my first real entry after my one month hiatus!

5 thoughts on “Where oh, where, oh where, have I been?”

  1. Thought you might be interested to hear that CVS is getting rid of that annoying 48-hour waiting period before you can claim your ExtraCare Bucks.

    Read it in a blog by a local news columnist:

    Linky Link

  2. Thanks for welcoming me back!

    Oh and thanks for the CVS link. Printing the coupons right on the spot might just convince me to shop there after all.


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