Where Should We Travel?

I just found out that my husband and I have a voucher for Southwest airlines that must be used by the end of December. I have a list of places in mind that I’d love to visit, but I’m also open to suggestion. If anyone has a favorite place, a favorite town, a favorite hotel, etc, please let me know. It’s been so long since I planned a vacation that I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed by all of the possibilities. The voucher is worth quite a bit so it looks like we could fly anywhere Southwest will take us.

6 thoughts on “Where Should We Travel?”

  1. My first pick would be Hawaii but Southwest doesn't fly there. Of the places they go to these are the cities I've been to and have enjoyed: Las Vegas, Seattle, San Diego and Orlando. I live in the NYC area and that may be another good pick. I think Miami is overated. Cities that I would like to visit: San Antonio, Salt Lake, and Portland, OR. Good luck!

  2. You can save money and still stay at a luxury resort if you rent a timeshare. Go to http://www.redweek.com for many budget-friendly timeshares available. By surfing around through the site you'll be able to read about the resorts and see pictures of the units – and That can help you decide where to go!

  3. Hmmm. I'm thinking Arizona. I've never seen the Grand Canyon and it definitely seems like a worthwhile trip. Any thoughts?


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