Woolite Giveaway

As strange as it sounds I like to wash the laundry. Well I’m not sure I like the act of dragging clothes into the basement, running them through the washer, hanging them to dry, fluffing them two days later and dragging them back up to our bedroom and linen closets, but I do like when all of the laundry is cleaned, folded and put away.

When Woolite reached out to me to host a giveaway I couldn’t resist. After all, who doesn’t love a giveaway for a product you’d otherwise have to purchase yourself?

Woolite is hosting a Facebook contest where you can enter to win $20,000. The Woolite Washing Savior contest is on a mission to find a savior, a hero, who can fight back with Woolite and help protect everyday clothing from the torture of other detergents.

You can also try to win a $100 American Express Gift Card by voting for your favorite superhero. There will be ten (10) $100 Winners. Vote using this link: www.facebook.com/WooliteUS, You may have to ‘like’ them before you can gain access to the contest.

Now for the fun part… I have a giveaway of my own. If you leave a comment on this post you can enter to win the ‘Wear it Well” Woolite prize pack, which includes the following:

  • The Full Woolite Product Suite (Woolite Extra Delicates Care, Woolite Complete, and Woolite Extra Dark Care)
  • Lingerie Bag
  • Cute, But Heavy Duty Laundry Tote
  • Hanging Drying Rack (for your intimates)

Ready to try your luck. Simply add a comment letting me know the best or worst thing you ever spent money on. You can earn an extra entry by following me on twitter and leaving a comment to let me know you’ve done so. I will pick three random winners from all comments received.

Due to the small number of entries I am keeping this contest open until October 3rd.

This contest is now closed. Winners have been notified.

30 thoughts on “Woolite Giveaway”

  1. Best thing was our current home, worse thing was expenses to a crappy trip to PA with out-of-state family, boy was that a headache of a trip!

    shevilkenevil1 at aol dot com


  2. The worst thing was a car lease when I was a sophomore in college – my parents thought it was a great idea at the time so I listened to them.

    The best thing was our new house we built this year – it's all one level (with an unfinished basement) right outside town. Very simple and practical – nothing fancy so I could still be a sahm.

    PS I am due next month too! Congrats!

    thriftysahm83 (at) gmail (dot) com

  3. the worst thing i've ever bought was clothes that were on sale but were ugly and I knew I'd never really wear them. it's not saving money if you don't like it, right?!

    the best thing i've ever spent money on is any vacation I've ever taken.

  4. The best thing: a bushel of fresh fruit (in Michigan – the fruit in Colorado is way more expensive). The worst: clothes I never wear!


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